Helping Children With Autism & Developmental Disabilities Along With Their Families To Reach Their Maximum Potential Because We Care
"The most interesting people you'll find are the ones that don't fit into your average cardboard box. They'll make what they need, they'll make their own boxes."
- Dr. Temple Grandin
About Us
We Care Autism Services provides quality, individualized ABA therapy for your child with developmental delays.
Our highly trained staff use principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to create individualized programs to meet all the child's and family's needs. We will work on anything the family feels is a struggle including social skills, language, speech, feeding, community outings, behaviors, and self help. At We Care Autism Services, we strongly feel that every child with autism is unique therefore we ensure that every child's program is catered to his/her needs.

Applied Behavior Analysis, ABA, is the most widely used treatment approach for children on the autism spectrum. It is the application of the principles of learning and motivation and the procedures and technology derived from those principles, to the solution of problems of social significance. ABA is used to increase appropriate behaviors, teach skills, maintain behaviors, ​ and to decrease behaviors that interfere with skill acquisition (e.g., aggression, stereotopy).
Individualized one to one speech and language therapy provided based on your child's needs, including receptive language skills, labeling, augmentative and alternative forms of communication including picture exchange.

A functional assessment is an approach to figuring out why your child is engaging in certain behaviors that may be interfering with his/her daily life including aggressions, self-injurious behaviors or stereotypy. It uses a variety of techniques to understand the cause of inappropriate behaviors.
WE Care Autism Services provides consultation for school district classrooms. Services provided include providing 1:1 aides, consultation to aides and teachers, as well as school personnel training on ABA principles.
Get In Touch
Tel: (848) 448-9254
Fax: (848) 202-4480